How to Read Sex of Baby on Ultrasound

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Determine the sex of the child most want young couples who are waiting for the firstborn. Even more want to know the sex of the hereafter kid of a couple who already several times in a row are born either boys or girls. Is it worth to determine the sex of the future kid - another question, because some couples believe that "whoever is born, this is the blood of our ain - we will love both our son and daughter." And yet for curious parents, we will present several means to determine the gender of the babe.

Determining the sex of a kid on ultrasound

This can be done if you want to know who will be born - a boy or a girl. Simply only not in the early stages of pregnancy, because errors are possible. In improver, the boy tin can cross his legs, and his son will not exist visible on ultrasound. The kid-boy will be easily confused with the daughter. Therefore, it is better to exercise ultrasound on the 24th week of pregnancy. Previously, doing ultrasound does not brand sense. And fifty-fifty more clearly the sexual activity of the child is visible subsequently - approximately on the thirtieth week of pregnancy of mother.

trusted-source[one], [ii], [3], [4], [5], [six]

Determining the sex of a child using a chorionic biopsy

Another medical method for determining the sexual practice of a kid, and in the early term is a chorionic biopsy. In this method, placenta tissue is captured by a thin needle and the sexual activity of the child is determined. This method tin discover even fetal defects, which makes it possible to accept an abortion in the earliest weeks of pregnancy, if the mother does not want to requite birth to a kid with large deviations in wellness.

A chorionic biopsy is performed between 8 and 12 weeks - in the instance when samples are taken from the vagina, and at a catamenia of nine to 11 weeks, if the placenta tissue is taken from the peritoneum.

This method may be unsafe for the unborn child, because it slightly increases the run a risk of miscarriage. But it is used in cases if at that place is a suspicion of Down's disease or other possible deviations in the health of the child. The biopsy is performed nether the control of an ultrasound device.

trusted-source[7], [eight], [nine], [10], [11], [12], [13], [xiv]

Alternative signs for determining the sex activity of the child

There are culling signs that, earlier, when they had no idea about ultrasound, our great-not bad-grandmothers accurately determined the sex of the child.

If the hereafter mother from the back can conspicuously encounter the waist for a very long time, and then there volition be a boy.

In later terms, the boys in the belly of the mother behave much more actively than the girls, arranging a real revolution.

At mums at whom the daughter should be born, the toxicosis happens much more than often, than pleasures, who expects the boy. Still there is an alternative sign that the girl at the mum "drinks beauty from the face". And so the woman has acne, pigment spots, pimples.

The people determined who volition be born, according to the nutrition of the future mother. If she was fatigued to a sweet, they said that a girl volition be built-in, and if a boy is a meat boy.

The more the difference between a man and a woman, and a woman younger than her husband, the greater the likelihood that a son will be built-in.

They say that Mom and Dad, who are already thirty years old, are more probable to be built-in not a son, only a daughter.

How to determine the sexual activity of the child - information technology'due south up to you. Simply information technology's worth knowing that even ultra-precise ultrasound can be incorrect. And then do not worry if you make a mistake, but just give your kid love and tenderness.

trusted-source[15], [16], [17], [eighteen]

Other, unscientific methods of determining the sex of the child

Safe methods by which it is possible to decide the sexual practice of a future child are besides called folk. They are not as authentic equally a biopsy or ultrasound, but they are free and completely safety, so they are very common. The about popular ones are the decision of the sex of the child according to the claret group of the parents, the engagement of conception, the Chinese agenda, the renewal of the claret of the father and female parent, and culling alternatives. Let'south consider some of them in more detail.

How to determine the sex activity of the child by the date of conception?

The sex of the child, according to popular belief, depends on the sperm, which is the carrier of a particular chromosome. The egg does non accept a sex when it merges with the sperm, information technology all depends on the chromosome (or chromosomes) in its limerick. 10 chromosome in the sperm equally a result gives the girl, and XY chromosome - the son is guaranteed to be built-in.

When a adult female is ovulating, the egg is set up for fertilization and comes out of the ovary, the male spermatozoon overtakes it and and so everything depends on the chromosomes in its limerick. Nature has provided that carriers of "male person" chromosomes are faster than carriers of chromosomes 10 (when a daughter is born). But spermatozoa with "male" chromosomes live in the genital tract of a woman much less than the carriers of "female" chromosomes. Therefore, to programme the boy is in the first days of ovulation, and the girl - after.

Exactly calculate the day of ovulation is possible by a special examination (the same as for determining pregnancy, only the strips will differ in chemical limerick), according to the calendar, basal temperature (on the solar day of ovulation it reaches a peak), and ultrasound.

Method for determining the sexual practice of the babe past renewing the claret of mom and dad

This method is considered a method of very high reliability. According to some scientific data, the claret of men and women is updated once in several years. According to the calendar of these updates, you lot tin can calculate the sex of the hereafter kid. Update of blood in women occurs once in 3 years, and in men - ane time in 4 years. Renewal of blood in men and women tin occur earlier - for example, after giving claret or later an injury with a large loss of claret or soon after childbirth. To calculate the data, you lot need to divide the age of the mother by three, and the age of the father - by 4. Whoever has the blood renewed earlier (the indicator is less), there will be such a child. If the mother's blood is refreshed earlier, there will be a girl, and if the pope has a boy.

Method for determining the sex of the kid by the blood group of the parents

If the female parent and father have the outset or 2d claret type, then the baby will be born with the first or 2d group. Most often it will be a girl. At parents with the tertiary group of blood the boy is built-in more oft. Like parents with the fourth blood group. When mixing blood groups, you tin can calculate the sex activity of the child co-ordinate to this table.

Claret type Dad
Mama 1 2 3 four
1 Girl Boy Daughter Boy
2 Male child Girl Boy Girl
3 Daughter Boy Boy Male child
four Male child Girl Male child Boy

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