Baby Girl Not Crawling at 10 Months



23/04/2008 at 10:56 am

Hiya hun,

My little one is 5 now and o'h how I wish i had never been cruel to be kind[smilie=018.gif]
he is never still now but he was just like yours.

I was really worried - he was just very content to sit and used to compare with the other little ones that were all over the place - I used to worry that there might be something wrong - there wasnt he was just lazy.  He did eventually crawl but even when he could he didnt really want to he went almost from sitting to walking but that wasnt until about 14 months old.

I knew he liked milky bar buttons so in the end i put some on the floor in a line spaced out it was awful but it did the trick - he was so determined to get them slowly but surely he was getting angry and made a lot of hard work out of it but he did crawl for them each and every one of them.  Once he had mastered it I knew he could do it but just didnt want to.  You have to be hard sometimes once they realise that your not going to pass them everything if they want it enough they will move.

Wicked mother that I am.

Try not to worry hun - she will do it in her own time or will a little more encouragement.



23/04/2008 at 11:01 am


I would not worry either, they will do it in their own time. My little boy started crawling around 11 months and walking at around 15 months - she will get there in her own time.



23/04/2008 at 3:46 pm

Hiya hun,

My little one is 5 now and o'h how I wish i had never been cruel to be kind[smilie=018.gif]
he is never still now but he was just like yours.

I was really worried - he was just very content to sit and used to compare with the other little ones that were all over the place - I used to worry that there might be something wrong - there wasnt he was just lazy.  He did eventually crawl but even when he could he didnt really want to he went almost from sitting to walking but that wasnt until about 14 months old.

I knew he liked milky bar buttons so in the end i put some on the floor in a line spaced out it was awful but it did the trick - he was so determined to get them slowly but surely he was getting angry and made a lot of hard work out of it but he did crawl for them each and every one of them.  Once he had mastered it I knew he could do it but just didnt want to.  You have to be hard sometimes once they realise that your not going to pass them everything if they want it enough they will move.

Wicked mother that I am.

Try not to worry hun - she will do it in her own time or will a little more encouragement.

Tee hee, I have a brill picture of your LO following a trail of buttons through the house!!!!
Amazing what they can do when they want to!:lol:



23/04/2008 at 3:47 pm

That sounded weird, meant a picture in my head obviously!!!



23/04/2008 at 4:14 pm

I wouldnt worry hun they tend to do things at there own pace, my 1st daughter never crawled at all if you put her on her front she would scream she hated it. She began walking at 11 1/2 months she just got up and walked across the room to our amazement and she was thrilled with herself.
Just give yr baby time they will eventually get very interested in things and want to venture off im sure of it.
If she's strong enough you could try her with a push along walker, my youngest loved hers, shed push it and fall over but then got so determined to push it herself, she got there in the end. Just give plenty of encouragement when she does show signs of moving.

Hope that helps



07/08/2009 at 4:46 am

Hi, when did your baby eventually crawl? My little boy is the same age and sounds exactly the same. I just kept thinking he was lazy and i wasn't really concerned until I mentioned it to the HV yesterday and she was a little bit concerned about it. If he's still not mobile in 4 weeks then i have to take him back!


sinead (24)

sinead (24)

07/08/2009 at 5:01 am

Hi, when did your baby eventually crawl? My little boy is the same age and sounds exactly the same. I just kept thinking he was lazy and i wasn't really concerned until I mentioned it to the HV yesterday and she was a little bit concerned about it. If he's still not mobile in 4 weeks then i have to take him back!


whoa there nothing wrong hun neither of my two crawled my dd just loved to sit and play and then at 14 months just stood up and walked my ds sat and played untill he was 10 months he bum shuffled but didnt walk untill he was 19 months old so dont worry yet he will do it when he good and ready hv always like to give us the jitters but if you want to be reasured take him in 4 weeks but they prob just say to keep an eye on his development some babies are just content to sit or lay and play rather than charge about



15/02/2012 at 9:52 am

hi, i have 4 children first 2 were early crawling and 15 months walking but my son was 1 yr when he crawled and 18 months when he walked now he charges about everywhere! My youngest daughter is nearly 11 months now and she bum shuffles somtimes but she isnt crawling or standing or walking. It is very annoying because she is very clingy and i have to spend hours showing her what to do and encouraging her. Im not worried yet as i know she will do it all in her own time.
Just remember all children are different and do things when they want. but if you are worried speak to Hv just to reassure yourself.



16/02/2012 at 9:29 pm

Hi don't worry at all, I think a lot of new mums fall into the trap of assuming it "should" be "sitting at 6 months, crawling at 8 months, walking at 12 months") but doesn't always work this way.  My friends LO could crawl before he could sit unaided.  He was like 9 months crawling but not sitting.

My DS went straight from sitting, to cruising, and then to walking at 15 months. We weren't getting anywhere encouraging him to be on his front and crawl as he disliked it so we just kept encouraging him gaining strength in his legs.  He loved to walk round the house holding your hands, only trouble was he never stopped wanting us to do it!



07/06/2013 at 7:22 pm

Hi don't worry at all, I think a lot of new mums fall into the trap of assuming it "should" be "sitting at 6 months, crawling at 8 months, walking at 12 months") but doesn't always work this way.  My friends LO could crawl before he could sit unaided.  He was like 9 months crawling but not sitting.

My DS went straight from sitting, to cruising, and then to walking at 15 months. We weren't getting anywhere encouraging him to be on his front and crawl as he disliked it so we just kept encouraging him gaining strength in his legs.  He loved to walk round the house holding your hands, only trouble was he never stopped wanting us to do it!

Your son sounds exactly like mine! Oliver is just over 11 months now, has been sitting since 6.5 months and rolling since 8 months. He only just started getting up on all fours occasionally at 10.5 months but just sort of belly flops forward rather than crawling.

Over the last couple of weeks he has learnt to walk holding our hands which is great but he wants to do it ALL the time and it kills our knees and backs!!  I'm. Trying to encourage him to cruise, but as he can't pull himself up either, he wouldn't be able to do that on his own either!

Just wondering how long it took your son to walk on his own?

Victoria D(470)

Victoria D(470)

16/01/2020 at 3:37 pm

My 10 month old baby girl, is not showing any signs of moving or crawling and she is 10 months old (almost 11 months now) and I am starting to get a bit worried.

She can sit up unaided and roll over onto her front, but she doesn't seem to want to move off or crawl. We have got a door bouncer to help her gain strength in 'standing' and we try to play with her on the floor with toys to help her reach and grab them, but she seems happy just being in one place? Is this normal?

I have noticed that she arches her back a lot and tries to move in her cot this way, but never moves on her front, or crawls at all. She seems to have the strength, but no motivation. Can anyone suggest anything that might help? (I know the moment she does starts to move, I will regret it and wish I could keep her in one place, but still!!)


Hi hun, I know you posted this a few years back, but I just wanted to see how it all went. My little girl is ten months old and she can sit up really well and is kind of bum shuffleing but not really, she does all the things your little one was doing. X x

Baby Girl Not Crawling at 10 Months


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